What the College strives to achieve stems directly from the Loreto Educational Philosophy. The aim of the College is to create a caring and community environment in which students can grow and mature, spiritually, intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically. To facilitate this growth the College aims to provide a balanced and broadly based curriculum accessible to all students, both in the classroom and in the many extra -curricular activities which the school promotes.
More specifically the College aims to
provide the environment in which students may experience and develop the Catholic faith
promote understanding of and respect for the faiths, traditions, and cultures of others
provide opportunities to pursue excellence in all areas of school life
provide students with opportunities to develop initiative, independence, and critical thinking
provide opportunities for students to experience enjoyment and a sense of achievement
foster a sense of self-esteem
prepare students for the world of work and leisure, and guide them in the making of lifestyle decisions within a Christian value framework
foster in students a willingness to help others and a desire for a just society
educate students as citizens of the world who will aesthetically appreciate and actively protect their environment
encourage students to play a full part in the life of their parish and local community
encourage the development of physical and manipulative skills in both vocational and leisure contexts
create a caring and disciplined environment which provides for the pastoral care of all students in an atmosphere of mutual respect
encourage parents to be supportive of the College in the education of their children.