“Lord, thank you for the music that brings my soul such joy!”
A quote that summarises all that is special about music. Here in Loreto College, we celebrate music through our wonderful choirs, reflecting one of the core Loreto values - joy. The Senior Choir has, over many decades, been extremely successful bringing joy to the pupils who have sang together and, equally, much pleasure and joy to those who have listened.
The senior choir welcomes members from Year 11 to Year 14. We rehearse on Wednesdays from 15.20 – 16.15. The choir is a group where pupils can express themselves and both boys and girls are encouraged to learn and grow through music.
The choir plays a vital role in the life of Loreto College, singing at school Masses, the annual Carol Service and all other liturgical services. The Senior Choir also performs at Loreto’s annual Spring Concert. Over the years, the choir has had a great deal of success in both local music festivals and the UTV Choir of the Year competition.
All senior pupils are welcome to join the choir and experience the fun and joy of singing together.