‘Be the change you wish to see in the world’
- Mahatma Ghandi
As a member of the Justice League, you will have every opportunity to do just that.
What is Justice League?
The Justice League is a vibrant and busy group within school. Its origins are rooted in our Loreto ethos, in particular the Kolkata guidelines adopted by all Loreto schools; these encourage every Loreto pupil to be ‘An agent of Social Change’ and aim to develop in young people a sense of service and global citizenship.
If these short videos provoke thought, make you want to know more, or move you towards action then the Justice League group is for you.
What does the Justice League do?
The group attracts motivated and responsible pupils. They aim to raise awareness of issues of injustice, organise fundraising events to help support those in need and volunteer in local and overseas development projects.
It is open to Year 13 and 14 although a few younger enthusiasts have been known to join. The group meet every Wednesday after school.
A Justice League member:
Has a passion to make a difference,
Is reliable and willing to give of their time generously,
Has a ‘can do’ attitude,
Is full of ideas and committed to make things happen.
Fundraising Events
Trócaire, Road of Hope Shoebox Appeal, Lourdes Pilgrimage Trust, Action MS and our Loreto School in Rumbek South Sudan are regular recipients of our fundraising efforts.

Social Action
Justice League prides itself on providing support but also in raising awareness. Challenging injustice is a key principle in the group. Active discussions and workshops are delivered by outside agencies such as:
National Citizenship Scheme,
Millennium Volunteers,
Simon Community,
Refugee Rescue
These informative workshops inevitably inspire pupils towards action. A number of pupils availed of the Social Action Project led by the National Citizenship Scheme. They successfully eliminated the use of plastic straws in local coffee shops.
Pupils also had the opportunity to train as Concern Ambassadors. They used their skills to launch a successful fundraising campaign throughout the school.

Interested students visited Council chambers and learned about the Youth Voice programme to empower young people in local decision-making.

Mission Day provides an opportunity for the group to make or sell ethically sourced merchandise. Past products included Peace bracelets for Palestine and Keyrings depicting the Millennium Development Goals.
Most recently, having been inspired by an outside speaker on the need for recycling and sustainability, Justice League members made and sold Christmas crafts using recyclable driftwood.
Within school, Climate justice was addressed and the TeamTrees campaign enthusiastically supported. The plight of refugees, World Water Day and Human Rights Day were targeted through Peer education, Assemblies, School displays and Treasure hunts.

The Justice League is packed with eager pupils willing and able to make a positive impact on the lives of those within the local community and beyond. Volunteer opportunities include bag packing for the Deaf community, the Samaritans Annual Vigil and numerous calls for help with street collections for various local charities.
A number of pupils were involved in Age Concern’s cross community, inter-generational project concerning digital and scams.

Pupils regularly volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and the Lourdes Pilgrimage Trust and most recently, a month was spent in Kenya with Camps International. A similar volunteer project in Costa Rica is forthcoming.
Pupils contribute so much to others in Justice League but there is much to be gained for themselves too:
Development of highly sought after employability skills: leadership and planning, teamwork and organisation, presenting and communication confidence.
A contribution for the UCAS form
Volunteer Opportunities: Local charity projects and events as well as Overseas Development projects
Award: Gain a University recognised Millennium Volunteer Award plus additional community hours for the Pope John Paul Award.
The ‘feel good factor’: Knowing your actions have made an impact on someone’s life.
Start your journey towards social action and change with the Justice League!