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YEAR 12 MASS 2023

This afternoon we welcomed Fr Neil Farren to celebrate Mass for our Year 12 students. The theme of our Mass was ‘Take Shelter with God.’ In our first reading the book of Sirach proclaims, “A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter: he that has found one has found a treasure.” Our friendship with Christ is our shelter and our greatest treasure. God promises that with him you can weather any storm. God did not promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain…but he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.

The Mass was a lovely opportunity to take some time away from the pressures of exam preparation to pray for and with each other. We asked for God’s grace to help our students as they face the challenges of the weeks ahead, and to bestow upon them His gifts of wisdom, understanding and knowledge, that they may be successful in their examinations.

YEAR 12 MASS 2023

Following the Mass, the Year 12 students were addressed by Vice Principal, Mrs McCarry and their Head of Year, Mr Shaw. The students were praised for their wonderful contribution to the life of Loreto College over the last five years, wished well for their examinations and encouraged to keep the Loreto values of Justice, Freedom, Sincerity, Truth, and Joy, close to their hearts in the months and years ahead.

The students made a presentation to Mr Shaw, and the afternoon concluded with a rousing performance by the members of the Year 12 Rock Band.

We wish our Year 12 students every success in their examinations. Thank you to Mrs McCarry, Mrs Pepin, Mr Shaw, and Miss Galbraith for organising such a wonderful final afternoon for them.

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