Swift Response from our School Community to the Ukraine Crisis Appeal
This week, members of the Loreto College Justice League, led by Mrs McCool, launched an appeal throughout the College’s students and staff on Monday morning. They have written to thank our entire school community for the amazing response.
“Team Loreto is in full swing once more.”
This week, we asked that the people of Ukraine hear your voice and that you light up the darkness in their time of need. We are so grateful for the response we’ve received.
English Room 3 has radiated the kindness and generosity of our Loreto community. We have received deliveries direct from Amazon, parents and companies sending in supplies and understandably, so many Polish families responding to the Appeal – such a galvanising effort.
We want to particularly thank Bean Ui Mhaolain for emailing all staff at the weekend and for alerting us to the social media plea itself, to Miss Toner for allowing us to take over her Principal’s Assembly at such short notice and to Mrs Sweeney and the RE Department for ensuring the message reached all classes over the 2 days through videos and class discussion. Thank you to Mrs McNicholl for the lovely images which we used in our Justice League display board – we were glad to include the sunflower, the National flower of Ukraine; and also, the information gleaned from Omagh of our Loreto nuns currently working in Ukraine. It was great to be able to include this in our assembly.
Thank you to the classroom assistants, lab technicians and teaching staff who gave of their time to help sort and bag the supplies and to those who dropped in to offer help, it’s been so heart-warming. Thank you also to Robert Booth, who collected the donations for onward transport.
This has been a whole school effort and whilst we never doubted for one minute the kindness of all our staff and pupils, we’ve been blown away by how quickly we can rise to the challenge of such a horrific crisis. Team Loreto is in full swing once more – it will certainly take more than a two-year pandemic to quash that spirit! Well done everyone.
It is now up to us to keep our own Loreto Prayer firmly in our hearts as we continue to pray for “guidance for the decision makers of the world and guidance for those who hurt others and cause destruction.”
We’ve done our part. Prayer is what is left.