Loreto College has been celebrating the outstanding results gained by its final year students- the class of 2023- this week.
An impressive total of 21% of students achieved three A grades or better. Four students, Sorcha Doherty, Michael McAtamney, Grace McClements, and Sean McKelvey scored a wonderful three A* grades, with Eva McBride achieving four A grades. Other top achievers included Ellie Dillon and Eilis Mullan who each obtained two A* and one A grades, while Sarah Casson, Niamh McGarry and Edward Mulholland scored one A* and two A grades. In the year group as a whole, 83% of pupils obtained 3 Grades A* to C at A level and 71% of all grades obtained were A*, A or Bs.
The Loreto class of 2023 will now embark on a wide range of new courses and take up new challenges, with the vast majority of the students getting into their chosen courses.
Mr Stephen Gallagher, Principal of Loreto College, congratulated the students on their highly impressive results, commending them on their determination and resilience through the two exceptionally challenging years of their A Level studies. Mr Gallagher also paid tribute to the teaching staff of the College, who had guided the students through the two-year A Level courses and advised them on their next steps.
‘We wish all our Year 14 students the very best in their new challenges and opportunities,’ Mr Gallagher concluded: ‘they fully deserve these outstanding grades, and we know that they will continue to succeed and flourish in the next stages of their journeys.’

Grace McClements, who scored a fantastic three A* grades in her A Level examinations, will now continue her studies at Queens University, Belfast, reading Maths and Finance.

Michael McAtamney, who scored a magnificent three A* grades in his A Level examinations, will now continue his studies at Queen’s University, Belfast, reading Dentistry.

Sorcha Doherty, who scored a wonderful three A* grades in her A Level examination, will now continue her studies at Strathcylde University, reading Pharmacy.

Sean McKelvey, who scored an impressive three A* grades in his A Level examinations, will now continue his studies at Queens University, Belfast, reading Finance.

Eva McBride, who achieved 4 A grades in her A Level examination, will now continue her studies at Queens University, Belfast, reading Medicine.

Some of the Loreto College students who attained two A grades and one B or better in the A Level examinations.

Some of the Loreto College top achievers at A Level, with Vice Principals Mrs Pepin and Mrs McCarry.

Some of the top A Level achievers at Loreto College.

Some of the top A Level achievers at Loreto College.