It’s a very different Christmas this year.
The annual Loreto College Carol Service was recorded earlier in the week and this video can be viewed via the link below. We hope that those students who are currently at home can enjoy watching it with their families. Perhaps some of our former students and staff members will also enjoy watching it.
Very many thanks to our school Liturgist, Miss Galbraith, Head of Music, Mr McCann, Mrs Close (Traditional Group) and also to Mrs Crawford, who took on the task of filming the service. Many thanks also to the students who provided readings and music.
We wish all our students, staff members and our extended Loreto family a happy, holy and healthy Christmas.
New Year Prayer
I said to the one who stood at the gate of the year,
“Give me a light that I may tread softly,
into the unknown”.
And he replied:
“Go out into the darkness and put your hand
into the Hand of God,
that shall be to you, better than light,
and safer than a known way”.