Six projects represented Loreto College at the NI Young Scientist ‘Big Bang’ competition in University of Ulster in Jordanstown in June.
· Peter McCool and Sean McKelvey Junior section with a project entitled ‘Falling cards.

· Orna Taylor in the Junior section with a project entitled ‘Pendulum Wave’.

· John McHenry, Zusana Zietala and Aoife Ferguson in the Junior section with a project entitled ‘Resonance’.

· Eva McBride and Alicia Doherty in the Junior section with a project entitled ‘ Crowd Control’.

· Conor McCloskey in the Junior section with a project entitled ‘Heliotrope’. Conor won The Radius Housing Award for energy conservation.

· Grace McClements and Filip Podsada in the Junior section with a project entitled ‘ Bead Chain.’ Grace McClements, Grace McConnell and Filip Podsaka won the QUB Physics prize for their project ‘ Bead Chain’ ( This was the third year in a row that Loreto has achieved this prize.) and were also chosen to represent N.I. in Birmingham in March 2020 at the UK Big Bang final.