We held our opening school Masses on Thursday 28th September 2023. The theme of our Mass was, “Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry”. This iconic quote is attributed to St. Padre Pio. Sometimes it is so easy for us to worry. St. Padre Pio reminds us that instead of living in worry and focusing on all the things that could go wrong – we should focus on what God promises; that He will protect our hearts from worry and the restlessness and fear that come along with it.
We also continued with the Loreto tradition of honouring St. Michael the Archangel. We invited Eva, our youngest first-year student, along with Sean and Caitlyn, our heads of school, to carry a picture of St. Michael and place it at the foot of our altar. This image, along with our statue of St. Michael, is a visible reminder that we are all under the protection of this great saint as we begin the new academic year.