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The end of the school year at Loreto College was celebrated as June drew to a close. The students marked the end of 2022-2023 with End of Year Masses and Junior Prizegiving, while the staff members had their own Staff Mass and a retirement function on the final day of the school year. Goodbyes are always poignant, and the staff and students of Loreto College marked the departure of several members of staff this year.

Classroom Assistants Miss Tara Doherty, Miss Aimée Quigg, Mr Ryan Beaumont and Ms Aine McGuckian are all moving on to pursue further study or a new career. Mrs McGreevy, SEND Coordinator, paid tribute to the hard work and dedication which all four Classroom Assistants had shown to the students in their charge and as members of the CA Team. All four will be greatly missed, by their students and colleagues.

Mrs Helen Walton is leaving after many years’ service to the Café Lorette and lunchtime supervision teams. Mrs Walton’s effervescent energy and sense of humour will be greatly missed, as will her ability to know every single pupil so well, touching base with everyone in her friendly way each lunchtime. We wish her great happiness in her new career.

Miss Maria McLarnon has been in Loreto since the end of March, during the maternity leave of Ms O’Brien. As well as teaching Drama, Art and Health & Social Care, Miss McLarnon has involved herself in Music in school, participating in all the concerts, liturgies, P6 Taster Days and any other event which took place during her months in Loreto, and delighting all listening with her amazing piano playing. We wish her continued success and harmony as she moves on.

Miss Deirbhle McNicholl is leaving the PE Department after a year’s teaching, during the maternity leave of Mrs McManus. Mr McCloskey, Head of PE, paid tribute to how well Miss McNicholl fitted into the Department, showing enthusiasm, energy and great commitment in her teaching. We wish her well as she moves to Co. Armagh.

Bean Ui Dhoinn is moving on from the Irish Department, to work in Thornhill College, Derry, Bean Ui Mhaolain paid tribute to her calm, kind and approachable manner with students and colleagues alike, her great expertise and wisdom in approaching all aspects of her work, and – not least – her friendship. We wish Bean Ui Dhoinn great happiness as she moves to work in her native Derry city.

Mrs Attracta O’Harte has worked most recently in the English and History Departments, but has previously taught Economics, Literacy and Numeracy Learning Support, and RE; she is now retiring after many years’ service to the school. On behalf of the English and History Departments, Mrs Little and Mr Murphy paid tribute to Mrs O’Harte’s enthusiasm, hard work and dedication to her pupils. In English, she was particularly inspiring in encouraging pupils to read widely and attempt writing creatively, and she brought great enthusiasm and expert knowledge to her classes in History and RE. We wish her great health and happiness in her retirement: we know that she loves reading, so wish her great enjoyment of this next chapter.

Finally, Miss Maria Flannelly is retiring after 35 years’ service to Loreto College.

Miss Flannelly has been both Head of Careers and Head of Chemistry, and has shown incredible expertise in both areas. She has been a meticulous and highly expert teacher, encouraging her students to achieve at the very highest level, and advising them in an empathetic, caring and highly knowledgeable way about their career choices, UCAS applications and always offering calm, constructive advice at times of crisis, when a student’s Plan A did not work out. Miss Flannelly has also offered very distinguished service to the College as Teacher Governor, for many years, showing the depth of her commitment to Loreto. Students will miss her quiet, authoritative expertise and staff members will miss a very loyal, true friend. We wish Miss Flannelly every health and happiness in her retirement.

As the school year ends, we wish all our staff members, our students, our school families, and the new staff members and students who will start their Loreto journey with us in late August, a happy, fulfilling, restorative Summer break. Thank you to everyone for hard work, good humour and amazing memories this year. Over the Summer break, stay well, stay safe and enjoy happy times with your families and friends. We look forward to seeing everyone again at the end of August.


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