For the first time in three years we have been able to gather as year groups, in Loreto College, to reflect on the events of Holy Week. It is wonderful to be able to come together as a school community of faith to pray for and with each other.
Holy Week is called “An tSeachtain Mhór” in Irish, which means “The Big Week”. This is a very appropriate title as, during this week, we journey with Jesus through his Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection. It is the Resurrection that makes us Christian, and Easter is the most important Christian feast. Without the Resurrection, Jesus would have been a good man, who preached a lovely message of love and mercy, but who was ultimately put to death by the Romans. End of story!
But that isn’t the end of our story. Jesus’ resurrection from the dead proves that he was more than just a kindly carpenter from Nazareth. Jesus is the Son of God, who saves us from the power of sin, evil and death. If we place our faith in Jesus, trust in his mercy and follow his commandments, then he will lead us through all our own personal Gethesmane moments, help us to carry our own crosses in life and lead us to the glory of eternal life with him in his heavenly kingdom.